Ainos checkerd

Yarn: Kuka Magic Wool De Luxe, “selfpattering” (about 80 g for the mittens)
Needles: 4.0 mm dpns (or any that give you the gauge).
Size: ladies
Gauge: 20 sts and about 23 rows = 10 cm or 4 ''
Note The mittens are knitted in the round using five dpns and two skeins (or the two end of one skein “selfpattering” yarn) at the same time (color A & B). Try to match the colors between the mittens, if there is difference in the skiens, don’t hesitate to cut away one or some meters of yarn if necessary!
The stitch pattern comes from Checkerboard Cap, Noro knitting magazine, Fall 2012 and has been modified for knitting these mittens.
Checkered Pattern
· Rnds 1-4 *P3 with color A, k3 color B; rep from * around
· Rnds 5-8 *K3 with color B, p3 with color A; rep from * around
· Repeat rnds 1-8
The Mitten With dpns and color A, cast on 40 sts, make *4 Rnds P & 4 Rnds K*, repeat * to* 3 times and on the last Rnd increase 2 = 42 sts.
Start with the pattern for 20 Rnds.
Right (left) mitten: On the next row, knit in a different thread on the first 6 sts on Needle No1, (on the left mitten knit this thread instead on the last 6 sts on Needle No3) put the 6 stiches with different yarn back on needle No 1 (Left mitten: No3) and continue with the pattern for 20 rnds more.
Shaping the top: Continue with pattern as before. Mark the last 3 stitches on needle No2 and the last three on the needle No4. The pattern for these stitches will follow all the way up, reductions are made against them. Decrease 1 stitch on each side of these stitches every row (=-4 stiches each row) until 10 stitches remains. Cut yarns, leaving long tails, thread the tails through rem sts.
The Thumb Pick up 3 stitches on each of 4 needles (remove the thread in different color). Pick up one stitch at the beginning of the needle No1 & 3 and one stitch at the end of needle No2 & 4 (=16 sts). These four extra stitches will be knitted “alone” with color A and B, in accordance with the following (make sure the pattern of the thumb match the rest of the mitten:
Needle No 1: 1m A 3 m B
No 2: 3m A 1m B
No 3: 1 m A 3 m B)
No 4: 3 m A 1 m B
Knit 12 rows and on the next row you will have to reduce the stitches by *K2Tog; rep from * around. Cut yarns, leaving long tails, thread the tails through the remining 8 sts.